P. Dussmann Ltd.

 "P.Dussmann" Ltd. was registered in October 1994 as a subsidiary of the German international concern "Dussmann Gruppe".

Our business is based on the widely spread in the U.S. and Western Europe principle for outsoursing of activities and services such as: cleaning, catering, security, maintanance of equipment and installations, etc. In 2003 "P. Dussmann" Ltd. received a certificate of quality in the European system of quality management ISO 9001 and HACCP.

BG 1504  Sofia,
4 "St. Kliment Ohridski" Str.
Tel. +359 2 943 84 11; +359 2 943 83 98
Fax: +359 2 943 84 10
e-mail: officesofia@dussmann-bg.com